GST WEEKLY UPDATE :4/2022-23 (24.04.2022) BY CA Vipul Khandhar

By CA Vipul Khandhar
(Author is a well known Chartered Accountant practicing at Ahmedabad)
- Clarification in respect of refund of tax specified in section 77(1) of the UPSGST Act and section 19(1) of the IGST Act:
- Regarding the issues in respect of refund of tax wrongfully paid as specified in section 77(1) of the Uttar Pradesh Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “UPSGST Act”) and section 19(1) of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “IGST Act”).
In order to clarify these issues and to ensure uniformity in the implementation of the provisions of law across the field formations, the Commissioner, in exercise of its powers conferred by section 168 of the UPSGST Act, hereby clarifies the issues detailed hereunder:
‘Section 77 of the UPSGST Act, 2017 reads as follows:
“77. Tax wrongfully collected and paid to Central Government or State Government —
(1) A registered person who has paid the Central tax and State tax or, as the case may be, the Central tax and the Union territory tax on a transaction considered by him to be an intra-State supply, but which is subsequently held to be an inter-State supply, shall be refunded the amount of taxes so paid in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
(2) A registered person who has paid integrated tax on a transaction considered by him to be an. inter-State Supply, but which is subsequently held to be an intra-State supply, shall not be required to pay any interest on the amount of central tax and State tax or, as the case may be, the Central tax and the Union territory tax payable.
Section 19 of the IGST Act, 2017 reads as follows:
“19. Tax wrongfully collected and paid to. Central Government or State Government-
(1) A registered person who has paid integrated tax on a supply considered by him to be an inter-State supply, but which is subsequently held to be an intra-State supply, shall be granted refund of the amount of integrated tax so paid in such manner and Subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
(2) A registered person Who has paid central tax and State lax or. Union territory tax, as the cave may be, on a transaction considered by him to be an intra-State supply, but which is subsequently held to be an intra-State supply, shall not he required to pay any interest on the amount of integrated tax payable.”
3) Interpretation of the term “subsequently held”
3.1 Doubts have been raised regarding the interpretation of the term “subsequently held” in the aforementioned sections, and whether refund claim under the said sections is available only if supply made by a inter-State or intra-State, is subsequently held by tax officers as intra-State anal inter-State respectively, either on scrutiny/ assessment/ audit/ investigation, or as a result of any, adjudication, appellate or any other proceeding or whether the refund under the said sections is also available when the inter-State ‘or intra-State supply made by a taxpayer, is subsequently found by taxpayer himself as intra-State and inter-State respectively.
3.2 In this regard, it is clarified that the term “subsequently held” in section 77 of UPSGST Act, 2017 or under section 19 of IGST Act, 2017 covers both the cases where the inter-State or intra-State supply made by ‘a taxpayer, is either subsequently found by taxpayer himself as intra-State or inter-State respectively or where the intera-State or intra-State’ supply made by a taxpayer is subsequently found/ held as intra-State or inter-State respectively by the tax officer in any proceeding. Accordingly, refund Claim under the said sections “can be Claimed by the taxpayer in both die above mentioned situations, provided the taxpayer pays the required amount of tax in the correct head.
4.) The relevant date for claiming refund under section 77 of the UPSGST Act/ Section 19 of the IGST Act, 2017
4.1 Section 77 of the UPSGST Act and Section 19 of the IGST Act, 2017 provide that in case a supply earlier considered by a taxpayer as intra-State or inter-State, is subsequently held as inter-State or intra-State respectively, the amount of central and state tax paid or integrated tax paid, as the case may be, on such supply shall be refunded in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed. In order to prescribe the manner and conditions for refund under section 77 of the UPSGST Act and section 19 of the IGST Act, sub-rule (1A) has been inserted after sub-rule (1) of rule 89 of the Uttar Pradesh Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “UPSGST Rules”) vide notification No. 1227/XI-2-21-9(42)/17T.C.58-U.P.GST Rules-2017-Order-(226)-2022 dated 07.01.2022. The said sub-rule (1A) of rule 89 of UPSGST Rules, 2017 reads as follows:
“(1A) Any person, claiming refund under section 77 of the Act of any tax paid by him, in respect of a transaction considered by him to be an intra-State supply, which is subsequently held to be an inter-State supply, may, before the expiry, of a period of two years from the date of payment of tax on the inter-State supply; file an application electronically in FORM, GSTRFD-01 through the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner:
Provided that the said application may as regard to any payment of tax on inter-State supply before coming into force of this sub-rule, be filed before the expiry of a period of two years from the date on which this sub-rule comes into force.
4.2 The aforementioned amendment in the rule: 89.: of UPSGST Rules, 2017 clarifies that the refund under section 77 of UPSGST Act/ Section 19 of IGST Act, 2017 can be claimed ‘before the expiry of two years, from the date of payment of tax under the correct head, i.e. integrated tax paid in respect of subsequently held inter State’ supply, or central and state tax in respect of Subsequently held intra-State supply, .as the. case may be. However, in cases, where the taxpayer has made the payment in the correct head before the date of issuance of notification No.1227/XI-2-21-9(42)/17T.C.58-U.P,GST Rules-2017-Order-(226)-2022 dated 07.01.2022, the refund application under section 77 of the UPSGST Act/ section 19 of the IGST Act can be filed before the expiry of two years from the date of issuance of the said notification. i.e. from 24.09.2021.
4.3 Application of sub-rule (1A) of rule 89 read with section 77 of the UPSGST Act / section 19 of the IGST Act is explained through following illustrations. A taxpayer “A” has issued the invoice dated 10.03.2018 charging UPSGST and SGST on a transaction and accordingly paid the applicable tax (UPSGST and SGST) in the return for March, 2018 tax period. The following scenarios are explained hereunder:
The examples above are “only indicative one and not exhaustive list. Rule 89(1A) of the UPSGST Rules would be applicable for section 19 of the IGST Act also, where the taxpayer has initially paid IGST on a specific transaction Which later on is held as intra-State supply and the taxpayer accordingly pays UPSGST and SGST on the said transaction. It is also clarified that any refund applications filed, whether pending or disposed off, before issuance, of notification No. 1227/X1-2-21-9(42)/17T.C.58-U.P.GST Rules-2017-Order-(226)-2022 dated 07.01.2022, would also be dealt in accordance with the provisions of rule 89 (IA) of the UPSGST Rules, 2017.
4.4 Refund under section 77 of the UPSGST Act / section: 19 of the IGST Act would not be available where the taxpayer has made tax adjustment through issuance of Credit note under section 34 of the UPSGST Act in respect of the said transaction’
- E way bill requirement while transporting goods via railway changed:
Documents/Information Required To Issue E-Way Bill
- Tax Invoice
- Delivery Challan
- Transporter ID
- Transport document number
Here, Transport Document number indicates Railway Receipt Number issued by railways.
When the goods are transported by railways, the e-way bill or eway bill for railway has to be generated by the registered supplier or recipient of goods. He/she can furnish the required information in Part B of FORM GST EWB-01 on the common portal before or after the commencement of movement.
Elements In EWB
An EWB has 2 parts. In Part-A an entry is made by the supplier to store the document details on the e-way bill system temporarily. Once the goods are ready for movement from the business premises and transportation details are known, the registered person can enter the Part-B details and generate the e-way bill for movement of goods. Hence, Part-B details convert the Part-A slip into an e-way bill. In case of movement through railways:
- As mentioned above, the Part B of the e-way bill can be updated either before or after the commencement of movement. However, the railways cannot deliver the goods, unless a valid e-way bill is produced at the time of delivery*.
- The EWB validity will be calculated from the date the first entry is made in the Part-B (first transport document number entry).
In case of movement of goods through rail, there is no requirement to carry the EWB along with the goods during movement. However, the person in charge of the conveyance (railways) has to carry invoice or delivery challan or bill of supply as the case may be along with the goods.
Other Requirement The railways usually issue a receipt called railway receipt number (RR) RR no in e way bill as an acknowledgement for the goods to be transported. The number of this receipt is an essential part of the EWB. This receipt also contains the tracking ID for tracking the status of the movement.
- When goods are transported by rail, to reach the final destination, they may need to be further transported via road. For this, an EWB will be required as well. Generally, Part A of the EWB will be already filled, and only Part B needs to be updated with the RR number.
- In reference to e-way bills, ‘transported by railways’ does not include the ‘leasing of parcel space by Railways’.
- The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) has enabled a new feature, now SEZ units can check the status of integration of their Bills of Entry (DTA Sale) with GSTN, on ICEGATE.
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- DGFT Helpdesk support now available on 24×7 basis
- The DGFT issued Trade Notice No. 02/2022-23 dated April 22, 2022informing that the services of the DGFT Helpdesk will now be available on a 24×7 basis.
- In order to facilitate trade and extend more proactive helpdesk support to the exporting community, it is informed that the services of DGFT Helpdesk will now be available on a 24×7 basis.
- Stakeholders may use any of the below channels to flag any issues, suggestions or feedback on matters related to DGFT as follows
- Call the Helpdesk support on Toll Free numbers 1800-572-1550 or 1800-11-1550
- Raise a Helpdesk ticket by navigating to DGFT website ( → Services → DGFT Helpdesk Service. Users may also see their earlier ticket(s) status on real-time basis or search previously filed requests.
iii. Write an email to
- Trade Community may also refer to the Help manuals, FAQs and educational videos for suitable guidance. The same is available on the DGFT Website → Learn → ‘Application Help & FAQs’ for perusal of the trade community.
This publication contains information for general guidance only. It is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although the best of endeavour has been made to provide the provisions in a simpler and accurate form, there is no substitute to detailed research with regard to the specific situation of a particular individual or entity. We do not accept any responsibility for loss incurred by any person for acting or refraining to act as a result of any matter in this publication.